When too much is too much....

Posted by si penagih kopi at Friday, July 23, 2010
too much of things bother me now...
too much of things need to worry about...
too much of things i have to think...
too much of things i need to consider...
I need to replan everything...

a lot of things make me feel unsecure...
a lot of things make me worry...
a lot of things make me wonder...
a lot of things make me ponder...
I need to make up my mind...

too much to bear...causing too much pain...
i might be smiling at you but you will not know what im fighting with...
i might be give up but not until I fight with it...

so if one day....you find....
I'm not smiling at you...please don't think I hate you
I'm not looking at you...please don't think I'm avoiding you
I'm not calling you...please don't think I forget you
I'm not buzzing you in YM...please don't think I don't want to be friend with you

all this "too much" things made me busy inside...made me fighting inside...made me ignoring you....made me become no better person for you....

most of the time is not about you...it's me...I am the mess one here....
sorry if one day you find me disapear... when too much is too much...too much to bear...

"How do you know when how much is too much? Too much too soon. Too much information. Too much fun. Too much love. Too much to ask... And when is it all just too much to bear?"

note #1 : ini applied kepada kamu kamu semua.


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